Thursday, January 24, 2008

"...Kids These Days..."

"God, that pisses me off! Just makes me wanna slap her upside her head."

"The woman letting her baby cry in the stroller instead of soothing it?"

"Yes, and she is shoving her face full of food as she pushes, that is just frickin' ridiculous! No wonder kids these days are so screwed up."

I didn't have a response. I don't think it is suitable to tell Amelia that of her three boys, whom roamed wild like love children through their youth and didn't know physical discipline, she only likes one son; the 50 year old. It isn't anything personal, but I really don't think that my generation is all that screwed up. Maybe she means people younger than me, but that would make the majority of her pronoun fall under 18, and I simply can't imagine judging the generation for its formative years.

I do disagree with a lot of parenting techniques executed in the current market place. Such as the habit of wrapping a baby in layers of hard plastic instead of harnessing them to your chest or back. I don't see how putting the baby further from you keeps it warmer or safer. Also, if one more stroller wheel runs over my shoes in an amusement park, I may be driven to homicide.

There is nothing wrong with kids these days. They are completely capable of continuing society. Some of them haven't accepted that they will have to do that, and hardly any of them are ready to, but they will be when the time comes.

If anything, what could be wrong with kids, is that nobody has faith in them anymore. Unfortunate, since your life will really depend on them someday.

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