Thursday, February 14, 2008

Where do men go to cry?

I know where women go at work to cry. They use the restroom and sob uncontrollably like babies until their friends come to console them. However, at a certain piece of news today, it occurred to me that unless someone I know has died, I am not allowed to cry at work, not even in the bathroom.

Yesterday, a kid brought a gun to school, I would say snuck one in, but lets be honest about it, it was in his bag probably clunking around with everything else all day. All day until - until a gay kid he didn't like had his back turned, and then it was drawn out and used to shoot and effectively kill that gay kid. Because they are just kids, we don't know their names, but I hope they charge the 14 year old who committed this crime as an adult. He killed someone, someone with a life to live and passion for it.

That kid could have been me in school. He could have been a lot of kids I know now. But let's all rally behind blind faith and say he deserved it, I bet the special Baptist Church will picket his funeral if they get the chance. Never realizing that he donated his organs, and that because he did, many people will live. At least I hope they don't notice, or they might just say it was all the better that he died.

Where is out hope if future generations of people have none. Why did this happen? Where was the school and the parents and the friends and the peers?

I want to cry, but I am at work and I don't know where to do that.

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